TSA Chapter Established at CMS
In photo, left to right: Gabe Moore, Dylan Berndt, Quixote Gautney-Lopez, Alyzea Meyers, Lexi Yockey, Lilly Love, Samantha Sparkman
Lilly Love, Alyzea Meyers, Lexi Yockey, Sam Sparkman, Quixote Gautney-Lopez (7th grade) and Gavin Moore, Dylan Berndt (8th grade) traveled to Rolla S&T University Oct. 23-25 for the Missouri Technical Student Association (TSA) Leadership Challenge.
Eight students were selected (Russell Dunker-8th grade was ill and could not attend) by Cassville Middle School (CMS) Project Lead The Way (PLTW) teachers Jake Forste and Robbie Artherton as #CMSPioneers to organize and establish a TSA Chapter in Cassville.
The students attended rigorous instruction on Parliamentary Procedure, on the history, mission, and goals of TSA, and were involved in several academic TSA-based competitions.
Most of the attendees completed the necessary requirements for their Basic Degree, while the others will have opportunities to complete that later.
The students plan to work with Mr. Forste, Mr. Artherton and CMS Administrators to develop chapter by-laws, elect officers, and plan the first-year of events in TSA. A regional competition in Joplin and the state competition back at Rolla S&T will be main events for the first year.
The CMS TSA will also need to begin fundraising efforts to help offset material and transportation costs for the state competition, which is a 3-day event. Students can compete in categories such as CAD Foundations, catapult design, CO2 cars, VEX Robotics, digital photography, biotechnology, video game design and much more. There are 35 different categories students may compete in.
TSA membership will be open to any student enrolled in the PLTW courses of Robotics, Design Models or Intro to Computer Science, as well as the non-PLTW courses of Publications and Wood Tech.